SNU AO Class Python Notes

SNU AO Class Python Notes#

(SNU = Seoul National University, South Korea; AO = Astronomical Observation class)

This is the lecture note initially made by Yoonsoo P. Bach, @ysBach. The original contents started to be created in 2016 Fall, when I first took the TA role in the AO class. It used to be maintained until around early 2021, and I left the TA role and it was left as was. At the end of 2022, I was kindly asked to make the material more sustainable and stable. Before I leave SNU after getting the PhD, I felt it was my duty (social responsibility) to finish this work.

How to use this lecture note#

This note is composed of three major parts.

Theoretical lecture (Books)

The theory part (mathematical derivations, verbal explanations, etc) is made with TeX as a book-like format. It is in the main repo : SNU_AOclass/Books.

Practical lecture (JupyterBook)

The coding part (data reduction and analyses) is made with Jupyter-Book. I found Jupyter-Book displays the material much better than simple Jupyter notebooks hosted by nbviewer, thanks to MyST. In addition to this Jupyter-Book, I will give some lectures using PowerPoint, and they are also uploaded to the repo.


The course contains observational project. To complete it, you need to practice coding & observational preparation. Assignments will be your friend to guide you through the process.

ver 2023 (2023 spring)