HW astropy.fits#

Problem Set 1 [6 points]#

Answer the following [2 points each]

  1. Search for the official documentation of astropy.io.fits. What is the URL to this doc?

  2. Read the documentation. You don’t have to read it all, but just skim through it and grasp an idea of how astropy.io.fits is used, how the header is accessed, etc. Click on many links in the doc, and familiarize yourself with them. (Answer: I did|I didn’t)

  3. Go to a doc about “Cutout images”. You may have to have a basic understanding of WCS as well as Python. Find references for yourself. Also, for WCS, you may have to learn astropy.wcs by clicking the many links provided there. Familiarize yourself with the idea of Cutout2D and its usage. (Answer: I did|I didn’t)

Problem Set 2 [22 points]#

Here, we will learn how to use astropy. Start solving the problems after running the code below:

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.nddata import CCDData

SAVEPATH = Path(".")  # <-- You may tune here for your computer
data = np.random.rand(100, 100)

While answering the problems, follow these rules:

  1. Never use for or while loop.

  2. You should not import any other packages.

  3. The answer to each problem must be a single line of Python code.

  4. For each problem, I gave hints. It is also homework for you to search for those on Google.


  1. Make a primary HDU object called hdu with data called data.

    • Hint: use fits.PrimaryHDU

  2. Change the dtype of hdu.data to float 32.

    • Hint: To change the dtype, you can do HDU_object.data = HDU_object.data.astype(dtype).

    • Hint: You can use np.float32 for float 32.

  3. Save it as SAVEPATH / "test.fits".

    • Hint: use .writeto()

  4. Open the fits file in HDUList type. Let’s call this hdul.

    • Hint: use fits.open

  5. Print the information about that HDUList.

    • Hint: use .info()

  6. Check whether the loaded FITS data is identical to data.

    • Hint: use np.testing.assert_allclose to the 0-th extension of the HDUList you loaded.

  7. Extract the header of the 0-th extension of hdul. Call it hdr_hdu.

    • Hint: use .header

    • Note: Even though you didn’t specify any header information, the header is automatically generated when you save hdu.

  8. Open the FITS file as CCDData. Call this ccd.

    • Hint: use CCDData.read

    • Hint: You may use any unit you want.

  9. Check whether the loaded ccd data is identical to data.

    • Hint: use np.testing.assert_allclose to the ccd.data.

  10. Extract the header of the ccd. Call it hdr_ccd.

    • Hint: use .header

    • Note: Even though you didn’t specify any header information, the header is automatically generated when you save hdu.

  11. Check whether the two headers (hdr_hdul)

Problem Set 3 [28 points]#

  • Prepare the FITS file SNUO_STX16803-kw4-4-4-20190602-135247-R-60.0_bdfw.fits from our Tutorial Data link (see README of our lecture note repo). As indicated in astronomy.net homework, this file has intentionally broken WCS information, but it does not matter for the problems below.

  • Please use Python 3.6+ (never Python 2).

  • For other packages: Although I didn’t run all the tests, it is likely there will be no problem if you use decently recent versions of any packages used in the homework (any version released after 2017).

Please run the following code before you start (MODIFY APPROPRIATELY):

# If you are not using Jupyter, comment the "%" lines below
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib notebook  # comment this line if you encounter error.

from pathlib import Path
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D
from astropy.wcs import WCS

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid

# Modify below to the relative path to the directory where you saved the FITS file.
DATADIR = Path("../../Tutorial_Data/")

# We need to do it in a separate cell. See:
# https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/3385

allfits = list(DATADIR.glob("SNUO*_bdfw.fits"))

imgrid_kw = dict(
    nrows_ncols=(1, 1),
    axes_pad=(0.45, 0.15),


Answer the following questions. Provide codes. Also provide results if something is printed out or plotted from the code. [2 pts each, unless specified]

  1. Set fpath as the path to the file.

  • Hint: fpath = allfits[<an int>]

  1. Set hdul as an HDUList object in that file.

    • Hint: hdul = fits.open(?)

  2. Print out the information for the hdul.

    • Hint: hdul.info()

  3. How many header keywords are there in the 0-th extension of hdul?

  4. Print out the header of the 0-th HDU.

    • Hint: hdul[0].? or hdul["PRIMARY"].?

  5. From the header, what is the header keyword for [1 point each]:

    1. The start of the exposure

    2. The filter used

    3. The object observed

    4. The longitude of the observatory

    • Hint: No code is needed. Also, you may ignore all the COMMENT and HISTORY in the headers.

  6. Set hdr as the header of the primary header. What is the pixel scale (arcsecond per pixel)? Provide a code and result to calculate it from hdr.

    • Hint: hdr = hdul[0].?

    • Find the focal length of the telescope and pixel size from hdr.

  7. From PROCESS and the COMMENT after it, what “process” has been done to this file?

  8. Display the data. You may use the following code (Tune >>FILLHERE<< values to make the y-axis value increase upwards). I intentionally used ImageGrid, which is different from lecture notes, so that you can learn different APIs.

    vv = dict(vmin=1900, vmax=2000)
    fig = plt.figure()
    grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, **imgrid_kw)
    for ax, cax in zip(grid, grid.cbar_axes):
        im = ax.imshow(hdul[0].data, **vv, origin=>>FILLHERE<<)
        cb = cax.colorbar(im)
  9. Cut a rectangular region centered at (555, 505) and size of (70, 70) in x and y directions, respectively.

    • Hint: cut = Cutout2D(hdul[0].data, position=(?, ?), size=(?, ?), wcs=WCS(hdul[0].header))

    • WARNING: Python indexing is (y, x), not (x, y). Which one should we use, position = (505, 555) or (555, 505)? Find and read the documentation for Cutout2D and write a proper answer. If you’re wrong here, all of your answers below will be wrong.

    • wcs keyword is used to propagate WCS information (link)

  10. Overplot where the rectangular cut is made. You may use the following code: Modify as you wish. Fill in the >>FILLHERE<< parts by searching for appropriate docs.

    fig = plt.figure()
    grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, **imgrid_kw)
    for ax, cax in zip(grid, grid.cbar_axes):
        im = ax.imshow(hdul[0].data, **vv, origin='lower')
        cb = cax.colorbar(im)
    cut.plot_on_original(ax, color='r', fill=True, alpha=0.3)
    # https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D.html#astropy.nddata.utils.Cutout2D.plot_on_original
    ### inset_axes tutorial: https://matplotlib.org/3.2.1/gallery/subplots_axes_and_figures/zoom_inset_axes.html
    # inset axes....
    axins = ax.inset_axes([0.55, 0.55, 0.4, 0.4])
    axins.imshow(hdul[0].data, extent=(*ax.get_xlim(), *ax.get_ylim()), **vv, origin="lower")
    # sub region of the original image
    x1, x2 = cut.bbox_original[>>FILLHERE<<]
    y1, y2 = cut.bbox_original[>>FILLHERE<<]
    axins.set_xlim(x1, x2)
    axins.set_ylim(y1, y2)
    ax.indicate_inset_zoom(axins, edgecolor='r')
    # https://matplotlib.org/3.2.1/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset.html#matplotlib.axes.Axes.indicate_inset
  11. Save the cutout region as a new FITS file.

    new_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=cut.data)    # set data
    new_hdu.header.update(cut.wcs.to_header())  # implement WCS information
    new_hdu.writeto("test.fits", overwrite=True, output_verify='fix')
  12. Test whether the WCS is correctly implemented.

    hdu_orig = hdul[0]
    hdu_crop = fits.open("test.fits")[0]
    wcs_orig = WCS(hdu_orig)
    wcs_crop = WCS(hdu_crop)
    # Due to the API, we need 2-D
    pos_orig = np.atleast_2d(
        cut.to_original_position(cut.center_cutout)  # Center of the Cutout2D in the original (x, y)
    pos_crop = np.atleast_2d(
    radec_orig_wcs = wcs_orig.wcs_pix2world(pos_orig, 0)
    radec_crop_wcs = wcs_crop.wcs_pix2world(pos_crop, 0)
    radec_orig_all = wcs_orig.all_pix2world(pos_orig, 0)
    radec_crop_all = wcs_crop.all_pix2world(pos_crop, 0)
    print("Difference [ΔRA, ΔDEC] (arcsec) =", 3600*(radec_orig_wcs - radec_crop_wcs))
    print("Difference [ΔRA, ΔDEC] (arcsec) =", 3600*(radec_orig_all - radec_crop_all))
    # Difference [ΔRA, ΔDEC] (arcsec) = [[0. 0.]]
    # Difference [ΔRA, ΔDEC] (arcsec) = [[-0.47574813 -0.16822854]]
  13. Delete the test.fits file.

Problem Set 4 (optional) [50 points]#

Skip this unless the TA asks you to solve these. (For an undergraduate class, it is a bit too advanced, and the TA will likely skip this problem set.)

Please use Python 3.6+ (never Python 2).

For other packages: Although I didn’t run all the tests, there will be no problem if you use decently recent versions of any packages used in the homework (any version released after 2017).

Here, we will learn how to use astropy.fits. Please run the following code before you start:

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.modeling.functional_models import Gaussian2D
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from photutils.psf import IntegratedGaussianPRF
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

top = Path('tmp')
final_image = np.zeros((50, 100))
bias_adu = 1000      # ADU
sens_center_xy = (90, 30)
sens_sigma = 100     # pixel
dark_epsec = 0.1     # epsec = e/sec = electron per second (per pixel)
exptime = 300        # seconds
gain_epadu = 1.36    # epadu = e/ADU = electron per ADU
rdnoise_e = 9.0      # electrons
seeing_arcsec = 2.5  # arcsec (FWHM)
pixel_scale = 0.9    # arcsec per pixel
skylevel_e = 500     # electrons

# Stars' properties.
#   Flux = integrated flux in electrons,
#   x_0/y_0 = center positions in pixel
stars_props = dict(A=dict(flux=70000, x_0=40, y_0=20),
                   B=dict(flux=30000, x_0=30, y_0=10),
                   C=dict(flux=10000, x_0=70, y_0=30)

def add_rdnoise(image_adu, rdnoise_e, gain_epadu):
    ''' Adds readnoise
    image_adu : array-like
        The image to add readnoise, in ADU unit.
    rdnoise_e, gain_epadu : float
        The readnoise and gain in electrons and electrons per ADU, respectively.

    _result : ndarray
        The noise-added image.
    rdnoise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=rdnoise_e, size=image_adu.shape)
    _result = image_adu + rdnoise / gain_epadu
    return _result

While answering the problems, follow these rules:

  1. You should not import any other packages.

  2. You should not define any functions.

  3. For each problem, I gave hints. It is also homework for you to search for those on Google.

The final raw image (final_image) will have the following header:

SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                   16 / array data type
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1  =                  100
NAXIS2  =                   50
OBJECT  = '2019AO2test'        / The observed target
BUNIT   = 'adu     '           / Pixel value unit
IMAGETYP= 'Light Frame'        / Type of image
EXPTIME =                300.0 / [s] Exposure time
GAIN    =                 1.36 / [e-/ADU] The electron gain factor.
RDNOISE =                  9.0 / [e-] The (Gaussian) read noise.

Answer the following questions. [2 points each]

  1. Make a bias map called bias, assuming the mean bias level is 1000 ADU.

    • Hint: The pure bias map must be a constant, so bias = np.ones_like(?) * bias_adu

  2. Add readnoise to bias using add_rdnoise.

    • Hint: Just use bias = add_rdnoise(image_adu=bias, rdnoise_e=rdnoise_e, gain_epadu=gain_epadu).

  3. Check that np.mean(bias) is as you expected.

  4. Save this bias as a FITS file to top/'bias.fits' which resembles the final_image’s header above.

    • Hint: Use the following

    • bias_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bias.astype('int16'))
      bias_hdu.header["BUNIT"] = ("adu", "Pixel Unit Value")
      bias_hdu.header["OBJECT"] = ("bias", "The observed target")
      bias_hdu.header["EXPTIME"] = (0, '[s] Exposure time')
      bias_hdu.header["IMAGETYP"] = ('Bias Frame', 'Type of image')
      bias_hdu.header["GAIN"] = (1.36, '[e-/ADU] The electron gain factor.')
      bias_hdu.header["RDNOISE"] = (9.0, '[e-] The (Gaussian) read noise.')
  5. Make a dark frame called dark_300s, from exptime and dark_epsec, and assuming the dark current is Poissonian.

    • Hint: dark_300s = np.random.poisson(dark_epsec * ?, size=final_image.shape) .

  6. Add readnoise to dark_300s using add_rdnoise and overwrite dark_300s.

    • Hint: dark_300s = add_rdnoise(image_adu=dark_300s/?, rdnoise_e=rdnoise_e, gain_epadu=gain_epadu)

  7. Check that np.mean(dark_300s) is as you expected.

  8. Save dark_300s as a FITS file to top/'dark_300.fits' which resembles the final_image’s header above.

    • Hint: Use the following

    • dark_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(dark_300s.astype(>>FILLHERE<<))
      dark_hdu.header["BUNIT"] = (>>FILLHERE<<, "Pixel Unit Value")
      dark_hdu.header["OBJECT"] = ("dark", "The observed target")
      dark_hdu.header["EXPTIME"] = (>>FILLHERE<<, '[s] Exposure time')
      dark_hdu.header["IMAGETYP"] = ('Dark Frame', 'Type of image')
      dark_hdu.header["GAIN"] = (1.36, '[e-/ADU] The electron gain factor.')
      dark_hdu.header["RDNOISE"] = (9.0, '[e-] The (Gaussian) read noise.')

Consider that the vignetting (sensitivity, or “flat”) is in the form of a circular Gaussian, centered at sens_center_xy and the standard deviation sens_sigma pixel. Let’s make the flat map based on these. 9. First, make meshgrid xx and yy, which will contain the x and y values for each of the (50, 100) pixels. The resulting xx and yy will have the same shape as (50, 100).

  • Hint: Use np.mgrid[] , i.e., yy, xx = np.mgrid[:final_image.shape[?], :final_image.shape[?]]

  1. Check xx indeed is the x-value of the (50, 100)-shaped image.

  2. Make the r-square map called rsq, which is of shape (50, 100) and contains the distance from the position sens_center_xy.

    • Hint: rsq = (xx - sens_center_xy[?])**2 + (yy - sens_center_xy[?])**2

  3. Finally, use the Gaussian function to make the sensitivity map.

    • Hint: sens = np.exp(-? / (2 * ?**2)).

    • If you want to view the flat pattern, you can do plt.imshow(sens, origin='lower').

  4. Save sens as a FITS file to top/'flat.fits' which resembles the final_image’s header above.

    • Hint: Use the following

    • sens_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(sens.astype('float32'))
      sens_hdu.header["BUNIT"] = ('dimensionless', "Pixel Unit Value")
      sens_hdu.header["OBJECT"] = ("flat", "The observed target")
      sens_hdu.header["EXPTIME"] = (300, '[s] Exposure time')
      sens_hdu.header["IMAGETYP"] = ('Light Frame', 'Type of image')
      sens_hdu.header["GAIN"] = (1.36, '[e-/ADU] The electron gain factor.')
      sens_hdu.header["RDNOISE"] = (9.0, '[e-] The (Gaussian) read noise.')

Let’s now add three stars. The seeing FWHM is seeing_arcsec in arcsecond and the pixel scale is pixel_scale (arcsec/pixel). Assume a circular Gaussian PSF.

  1. Prove that the FWHM of a circular Gaussian profile is \(\mathrm{FWHM} = 2\sqrt{2\ln 2} \sigma\) for standard deviation \(\sigma\).

    • Hint: The Gaussian profile has \(f(r|A,\, \sigma) = A e^{-r^2/2\sigma^2}\) and the FWHM is defined as \(f(r=\mathrm{FWHM}/2) = A/2\).

    • Just answer “I did”. There is no need to provide equations.

  2. Fill in the blanks to make the image of stars.

    stars = np.ones_like(final_image) * skylevel_e  # Initialize with sky values
    seeing_sigma_pix = seeing_arcsec / pixel_scale
    for _, prop in stars_props.items():
        g = IntegratedGaussianPRF(**prop, sigma=>>FILLHERE<<)
        stars += g(xx, >>FILLHERE<<)  # Add the star to stars
    stars = np.random.poisson(stars) / >>FILLHERE<<  # Poissonian sample and convert to ADU
    • You can check the results by plt.imshow(stars, origin='lower')

  3. Make a new bias and dark. Using the previously made flat (sens), simulate a raw image (bias, dark added, flat pattern added, and add readnoise).

    • Hint: The exposure time is 300s as described at the beginning of this homework.

    • Hint: Make bias and dark as before, but do not add readnoise yet.

    • Hint: Then stars_adu = bias + (dark + sens*stars)/?.

    • Hint: Add readnoise now by stars_adu = add_rdnoise(image_adu=stars_adu, rdnoise_e=rdnoise_e, gain_epadu=gain_epadu)

  4. Save stars_adu as a FITS file to top/'image0001.fits' which resembles the final_image’s header above.

    • Hint: Use the following (this is the final_image, so look at the sample header at the beginning of this homework):

    • stars_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(stars_adu.astype('int16'))
      stars_hdu.header["BUNIT"] = (>>FILLHERE<<, "Pixel Unit Value")
      stars_hdu.header["OBJECT"] = (>>FILLHERE<<, "The observed target")
      stars_hdu.header["EXPTIME"] = (>>FILLHERE<<, '[s] Exposure time')
      stars_hdu.header["IMAGETYP"] = ('Light Frame', 'Type of image')
      stars_hdu.header["GAIN"] = (1.36, '[e-/ADU] The electron gain factor.')
      stars_hdu.header["RDNOISE"] = (9.0, '[e-] The (Gaussian) read noise.')
  5. Now, load all the four FITS files using the following code:

    master_paths = dict(bias=top/"bias.fits",
    master_frames = {}
    for k, v in master_paths.items():
        master_frames[k] = fits.open(>>FILLHERE<<)[>>FILLHERE<<]
    rawim = fits.open(top/"image0001.fits")[0]
  6. Do bias, dark, and flat corrections.

    • Hint: Use the following:

    • hdr = rawim.header.copy()
          _ = hdr["PROCESS"]
      except KeyError:
          hdr["PROCESS"] = ''
      # Bias subtraction
      rawim_reduced = rawim.data - master_frames['bias'].data
      hdr["PROCESS"] += "B"
      hdr.add_history(f"Bias subtracted by {master_paths['bias']}")
      hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=rawim_reduced, header=hdr)
      hdu.writeto(top/"image0001_bxx.fits", overwrite=True)
      # Dark subtraction
      #   NOTE: our dark is already bias subtracted!
      dark_exptime = master_frames['dark'].header['EXPTIME']
      targ_exptime = hdr[>>FILLHERE<<]
      dark = master_frames['dark'].data
      if targ_exptime == dark_exptime:
          rawim_reduced = rawim_reduced - dark
          print("No corresponding dark frame found; "
                + f"Scaling it from {dark_exptime}.")
          rawim_reduced = rawim_reduced - dark * (targ_exptime/dark_exptime)
      hdr["PROCESS"] += "D"
      hdr.add_history(f"Dark subtracted by {master_paths['dark']}")
      hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=>>FILLHERE<<, header=>>FILLHERE<<)
      hdu.writeto(top/"image0001_bdx.fits", overwrite=True)
      # Flat correction
      #   NOTE: our flat is already bias and dark subtracted!
      flat_mean = np.mean(master_frames['flat'].data)
      flat_norm = master_frames['flat'].data / flat_mean
      rawim_reduced = rawim_reduced / flat_norm
      hdr["PROCESS"] += >>FILLHERE<<
      hdr.add_history(f"Flat corrected by {master_paths['flat']} (flat mean={>>FILLHERE<<})")
      hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=rawim_reduced.astype(>>FILLHERE<<), header=hdr)
      hdu.writeto(top/"image0001_bdf.fits", overwrite=True)

      Fill in the blanks such that image0001_bdf.fits has the following header:

      SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard
      BITPIX  =                  -32 / array data type
      NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions
      NAXIS1  =                  100
      NAXIS2  =                   50
      BUNIT   = 'adu     '           / Pixel Unit Value
      OBJECT  = '2019AO2test'        / The observed target
      EXPTIME =                  300 / [s] Exposure time
      IMAGETYP= 'Light Frame'        / Type of image
      GAIN    =                 1.36 / [e-/ADU] The electron gain factor.
      RDNOISE =                  9.0 / [e-] The (Gaussian) read noise.
      PROCESS = 'BDF     '
      HISTORY Bias subtracted by tmp/bias.fits
      HISTORY Dark subtracted by tmp/dark_300.fits
      HISTORY Flat corrected by tmp/flat.fits (flat mean=0.8796451091766357)
  7. Display the images. Do you see the effect of reduction?

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(6, 7), sharex=False, sharey=False, gridspec_kw=None)
    for i, fpath in enumerate([top/"image0001.fits",
        data = fits.getdata(fpath)
        vmin, vmax = np.percentile(data, [1, 99])
        axs[i].imshow(data, origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
  8. Delete your files and directory.

[4 points]

In the above, we used IntegratedPRF, which has a slightly different meaning than PSF in photutils. The Gaussian function will calculate the pixel value as the Gaussain function value at the pixel center (\(f(x_i, y_i)\) for the i-th pixel), while IntegratedPRF is the integrated value of the Gaussian function values within the pixel \(\left( \int_{x_i - \Delta x/2}^{x_i + \Delta x/2} \int_{y_i - \Delta y/2}^{y_i + \Delta y/2} f(x, y) dx dy \right)\). To see the difference, we need a test.

  1. Fill in the blanks to see the map of \(\frac{\mathrm{IntegratedPRF\ case}-\mathrm{SimpleGaussian\ case}}{\mathrm{\mathrm{IntegratedPRF\ case} + \mathrm{sky}}}\) (there’s no sky in the numerator because they cancel out):

    # Here, no noise will be added, because the purpose is to see the difference
    # (between Integrated PRF and simple Gaussian function value)
    stars_psf = np.zeros_like(final_image)  # Simple function value case
    stars_int = np.zeros_like(final_image)  # Integrated value case
    seeing_sigma_pix = seeing_arcsec / pixel_scale
    seeing = dict(x_stddev=seeing_sigma_pix, y_stddev=seeing_sigma_pix)
    for _, prop in stars_props.items():
        amp = prop["flux"] / (2*np.pi * seeing_sigma_pix**2)
        g_psf = Gaussian2D(amplitude=amp,
        g_int = IntegratedGaussianPRF(**prop, sigma=seeing_sigma_pix)
        stars_psf += g_psf(xx, yy)
        stars_int += g_int(xx, yy)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))
    diff = (stars_int - stars_psf) / (stars_int + skylevel_e)
    im = axs.imshow(diff, origin='lower', vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.01, cmap='RdBu')
    print(np.sum(stars_psf), np.sum(stars_int))

In the code, the resulting image will show the fractional difference, assuming the sky was skylevel_e = 500 electrons. You can see the difference is large near the center and outskirts of the stars, although each star’s total flux is the same in both cases.

[4 points]

Now let’s see how it changes for the sky level.

  1. Fill in the blanks:

# Here, no noise will be added, because the purpose is to see the difference
# (between Integrated PRF and simple Gaussian function value)
seeing_sigma_pix = seeing_arcsec / pixel_scale
seeing = dict(x_stddev=seeing_sigma_pix, y_stddev=seeing_sigma_pix)

mins = []
maxs = []
skylevels = np.arange(0.1, 1000, 200)

print("skylevel electrons: min difference, max difference")
for skylevel in >>FILLHERE<<:
    stars_psf = np.zeros_like(final_image)  # Simple function value case
    stars_int = np.zeros_like(final_image)  # Integrated value case
    for _, prop in stars_props.items():
        amp = prop["flux"] / (2*np.pi * seeing_sigma_pix**2)
        g_psf = Gaussian2D(amplitude=amp,
        g_int = IntegratedGaussianPRF(**prop, sigma=seeing_sigma_pix)
        stars_psf += g_psf(xx, yy)
        stars_int += g_int(xx, yy)
    diff = (stars_int - stars_psf) / (stars_int + >>FILLHERE<<)
    vmin = 100*np.min(diff)
    vmax = 100*np.max(diff)
    print("{:18.0f}: {:^13.5f}%, {:^13.5f}%".format(skylevel, >>FILLHERE<<, >>FILLHERE<<))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 5))
axs.plot(skylevels, mins)
axs.plot(skylevels, maxs)
axs.set(xlabel='skylevel [electrons]', ylabel='min/max difference [%]')

The importance of this difference depends on the situation. If you just want a simple rough fitting to the profile, both will give similar results (centroid position, FWHM, etc.). But if you want to get an accurate PSF, it is better to choose the integrated version.