4. PSF Extraction#

From the theory lecture, you learned PSF (point spread function) is the shape of the point source in your detector, after passing through all the optics. It includes the diffraction pattern, seeing (natural + telescope), etc. For space telescopes, PSF will be very stable because both the seeing sources will be negligible (if thermal expansion is well suppressed). Only the gradual change due to the degradation of the optics maybe important (or some dramatic changes by dust impact).

In reality, it is practically impossible to know the PSF a priori for ground-based observations, especially because both the seeing factors are chaotic and impossible to predict. Also, there is absolutely no guarantee that the PSF will be the same for the consecutive images (you may need to include a slowly varying time-variation term, such as that in Stetson 1987) Thus, one must rely on empirical estimation of the PSF of the given image.

Students living in the 2020s may want to ask the AI to estimate the PSF in the image. However, as in any other branches of science, the current AI technology is not suitable for most of the quantitative analyses (especially because of the error analysis). Thus, classical approach would be

  1. Tell the program a rough FWHM value (“initial guess”).

  2. Tell the program which shape of PSF you expect (e.g., “use Gaussian fitting”, “use Moffat and spline interpolation”, etc.).

  3. Manually check if the PSF is well estimated (check the “residuals”).

  4. Manually check if the PSF photometry is done correctly (repeat the processes if necessary).

4.1. Preparation#

First, load the data:

from pathlib import Path

import _tool_visualization as vis
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ysfitsutilpy as yfu
import ysphotutilpy as ypu
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.nddata import CCDData, Cutout2D
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from astropy.table import Table
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from photutils.aperture import CircularAnnulus, CircularAperture
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

DATAPATH = Path("../../Tutorial_Data/")
LOGPATH = Path("./tmp")  # a temporary output directory
LOGPATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)


# Load our data
fpath = DATAPATH/"SNUO_STX16803-M11-1-1-20190507-171622-V-60.0.fits"
ccd_raw = CCDData.read(fpath)

gain = ccd_raw.header.get("GAIN", 1)
rdnoise = ccd_raw.header.get("RDNOISE", 0)
Status messages could not be retrieved
WARNING: FITSFixedWarning: 'datfix' made the change 'Set MJD-OBS to 58610.719699 from DATE-OBS'. [astropy.wcs.wcs]
  • PSF_CENTROIDING_THRESH_SIGMA(k): The threshold level for PSF stars’ centroiding process. The pixels above the k-σ error-bar (variance = pixel variance + sky variance) will be used in SExtractor-like algorithm.

  • PSF_CENTROIDING_AREA_FRAC: The minimum fraction of the cutout area used for centroiding process (\((PSFSIZE+1)^2\)), that is required for the PSF star to occupy.

  • PSF_CENTROIDING_SKY_ANNUL_FACTORS: The inner/outer radii of the sky estimating annulus for PSF stars, in the unit of determined FWHM.

Then, do the cosmic-ray rejection. (see CR rejection lecture)

  • NOTE: yfu.crrej is nothing but astroscrappy.detect_cosmics, with some additional tasks to add history in the FITS files.

crpath = LOGPATH / "SNUO_STX16803-M11-1-1-20190507-171622-V-60.0_CR.fits"
if crpath.exists():
    ccd = CCDData.read(crpath)
    ccd, crmask = yfu.crrej(
        sepmed=True,   # IRAF LACosmic is sepmed=False        

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 5))
im = vis.norm_imshow(ax, ccd.data, zscale=True)

4.2. Initial FWHM#

From ginga, you have to find the FWHM of the stars.

  1. Open ginga

  2. OperationFBrowser → open your FITS file (Here, LOGPATH/SNUO_STX16803-M11-1-1-20190507-171622-V-60.0_CR.fits)

  3. OperationAnalysisPick

  4. Find a star that (1) does not overlap with others, (2) is bright enough but not saturated. They are not at the center of the image.

  5. left click and right click to do “pick” (See official documentation of Pick)

  6. Bottom right panel: Settings → set Radius to 30 pix (since SNUO 1m has too small pixel scale…) && FWHM fitting to Moffat

  7. Click Redo Pick

  8. Top right panel: Select Radial.

  9. Check if it is good:

  10. If not good, select a different star.

  11. Bottom right panel: ReportAdd Pick

  12. Do this for around 10 stars throughout the image (better if regularly spaced).

  13. Save table with name pick_log.csv.

4.3. Load the Pick Results#

Load the ginga Pick results, and find the centers of the stars.

_pick_log_path = LOGPATH/"pick_log.csv"

# get column names
with open(_pick_log_path, "r") as f:
    pick_colnames = f.readline().strip().split(" ")[1:]  # First one is just `#`
pick_log = pd.read_csv(_pick_log_path, names=pick_colnames, sep=" ", comment="#")

# NOTE: ginga pick has 1-indexing: https://github.com/ejeschke/ginga/issues/769
pick_log["x"] -= 1
pick_log["y"] -= 1

# Take sigma-clipped median of FWHM as initial guess
FWHM_INIT = sigma_clipped_stats(pick_log["fwhm"], sigma=3.0, maxiters=5)[1]
print(f"FWHM_INIT = {FWHM_INIT:.2f} pixels")
print(f"PSFSIZE = {PSFSIZE} pixels")

pick_log[["x", "y", "fwhm", "brightness", "background"]]
FWHM_INIT = 12.03 pixels
PSFSIZE = 49.13712434103719 pixels
x y fwhm brightness background
0 3863.020138 707.683315 11.962709 756.294478 703.163513
1 3514.125040 500.461007 12.047357 3113.724378 723.208466
2 791.043571 676.635925 12.041618 1806.826784 703.645050
3 238.905269 332.319899 12.026944 3362.454716 721.233795
4 880.530746 1262.908716 11.953833 1600.975989 708.042664
5 450.723343 2016.108091 11.974557 2423.947034 715.987640
6 802.402071 2468.025588 11.724034 2934.561519 698.899902
7 776.520519 3882.919494 11.921826 1851.317307 699.666199
8 1600.434322 3353.373197 11.943629 2051.583265 697.423889
9 3738.857578 2961.212126 12.383431 8053.690733 703.893646
10 3591.739585 2460.098066 12.371278 3526.151165 698.613129
11 3682.802596 2106.829978 12.307477 6108.703287 701.417389
12 3514.123997 500.461282 12.089511 3149.151973 693.987732
13 1496.579152 637.077055 12.137889 2415.422264 689.493286


  • fwhm is the FWHM from radial profile (you must have chosen radially symmetric objects, not galaxy-like objects)

  • background is the local background level (rough estimate)

  • brightness is the “peak pixel value” - “background”.

  • FWHM_INIT is the sigma-clipped median of the FWHM values of the selected point-sources.

From now on, I will set the PSF size to be a box of side length PSFSIZE = 4*FWHM_INIT+1 ~ 49. This means, when estimating PSF, I extract 49x49 pixels around the center of each star. Therefore, ideally, there should be no overlapping stars or background object in the nearby ~ 25 pixels (~ 49/2).

4.4. Prapare Cutouts for Each Star#

Now cut the 49x49 pixels around the stars. Because the central location from ginga pick is not the most accurate, I will

  1. Re-calculate the central pixel using sep.

# Initialize
pick_fit = dict(x0=[], y0=[], x=[], y=[], shift=[], fwhm=[], bkg_ginga=[])

# Calculate sky values for each star
_ans = CircularAnnulus(
    np.array([pick_log["x"], pick_log["y"]]).T,
_skys = ypu.sky_fit(ccd, _ans)
for c in _skys.colnames:
    pick_fit[c] = np.array(_skys[c])

# prepare errormap
var = yfu.errormap(ccd, gain_epadu=gain, rdnoise_electron=rdnoise, return_variance=True)

pick_cuts = []
for i, row in pick_log.iterrows():
    fwhm = row["fwhm"]
    x0 = row["x"]
    y0 = row["y"]
    msky = pick_fit["msky"][i]
    ssky = pick_fit["ssky"][i]
    # cutout PSFSIZE+1 pixels (in case bezel is not enough for centroiding)
    _cut = Cutout2D(ccd.data, (x0, y0), PSFSIZE + 1)
    _varcut = Cutout2D(var.data, (x0, y0), PSFSIZE + 1)

    # SExtractor-like extraction
    obj, seg = ypu.sep_extract(
        thresh=PSF_CENTROIDING_THRESH_SIGMA,  # k-sigma detection
        bkg=msky,  # background level
        var=_varcut.data + ssky**2,  # variance map including sky
        minarea=PSF_CENTROIDING_AREA_FRAC*PSFSIZE**2,  # minimum area
    pos = _cut.to_original_position((obj["x"].iloc[0], obj["y"].iloc[0]))

    # Add results to pick_fit
    shift = np.sqrt((pos[0] - x0)**2 + (pos[1] - y0)**2)
    for k, v in zip(["x0", "y0", "x", "y", "shift", "fwhm", "bkg_ginga"],
                    [x0, y0, pos[0], pos[1], shift, row["fwhm"], row["background"]]):

    pick_cuts.append(Cutout2D(ccd.data, pos, PSFSIZE))

pick_fit = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pick_fit)

# Aperture photometry for stars for future reference
aps, ans = ypu.circ_ap_an(
    np.array([pick_fit["x"], pick_fit["y"]]).T,
pick_phot = ypu.apphot_annulus(ccd, aps, ans, gain=gain, rdnoise=rdnoise, error=np.sqrt(var))
ncol = 7
nrow = max(len(pick_log) // ncol, 1)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrow, ncol, figsize=(12, 2.8 * nrow), sharex=True, sharey=True)

for i, _cut in enumerate(pick_cuts):
    irow = i // ncol
    _ax = axs[irow, i - irow * ncol]
    _row_phot = pick_phot.iloc[i]
    _ax.set_title(f"{i}: SNR={_row_phot['snr']:.0f}")
    im = vis.norm_imshow(_ax, _cut.data, stretch="sqrt")
    cb = vis.colorbaring(fig, _ax, im)
    pos_str = "({:.0f}, {:.0f})".format(pick_fit.iloc[i]['x'], pick_fit.iloc[i]['y'])
    _ax.text(0, 0, pos_str, fontsize=8, fontweight='bold', color='w')
    plt.setp(cb.ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=-90)


4.5. Construct PSF Model#

pick = Table.read(, format="ascii.csv", 
                  delimiter=' ', data_start=2, comment="#", names=pick_colnames)
# NOTE: ginga pick has 1-indexing: https://github.com/ejeschke/ginga/issues/769
pick["x"] -= 1
pick["y"] -= 1

# Only pixels near the stars in the txt file
mask = np.ones_like(data).astype(bool)
for row in pick:
    pos = (row["x"], row["y"])
    iy, ix = Cutout2D(mask, position=pos, size=PSFSIZE).bbox_original
    mask[iy[0]:iy[1], ix[0]:ix[1]] = False

thresh = np.median(data)

print("Finding stars...")
finder = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=FWHM_INIT, threshold=thresh, exclude_border=True)
found = finder(data, mask=mask)
print(f"Stars initially selected for the PSF estimation: {len(pick)}")
if len(pick) != len(found):
    print("!!!!!! pick and found length not match !!!!!!")

found.remove_columns(["npix", "sky"]) # remove confusing columns from DAOStarFinder
  Cell In[6], line 1
    pick = Table.read(, format="ascii.csv",
SyntaxError: invalid syntax